Ultimate Guide: What To Expect At A Modeling Open Call

Attending Open Call For The First Time And Returning A Year Later

Attending open call is an exciting step for aspiring models. It’s an opportunity to meet with agents and see if they’re interested in representing you. For many models, attending open call is their first step towards their dream career. However, the process can be nerve-wracking, especially for first-timers. Here’s a look at what to expect and what to do if you decide to attend open call.

– Which you should


For one moment, let’s talk about open call vs submitting a modeling application online

I know meeting with scouts and agents face to face can seem a bit intimidating, and submitting online seems like the easy way to go.

But have you ever wondered who’s actually looking at your digitals and whether they’re qualified scouts or just someone at reception whose decision making isn’t as strong as a mother agent?

I know an agency wouldn’t give ANYONE the job to look through thousands of submissions of possible top models.

But here’s the thing, a qualified scout with years of experience can spot a superstar through anything! They have an eye for detail and can quickly recognize talent, even if it’s hidden in a not-so-great photo.

From my perspective, you never really know if your application was received or overlooked among the hundreds of submissions an agency receive daily. And let’s not forget about your digitals – are they really showcasing your best features or are they just average?

I remember when I submitted online and never heard back from any agencies. It wasn’t until I attended an open call for the same modeling agency, and got signed just days later! Sometimes, what looks great in person isn’t always captured at it’s best in a photo.

So, while submitting online can be convenient, it’s always better to have someone with experience and expertise review your materials. That’s why attending an open call and meeting with a qualified scout in person can be so beneficial!

They can see your potential and give you advice on what to work on, and invite you back or give you their personal email and have you follow up with them within 6 months or so.

how to pose for male model digitals

Better yet like my experience, you can get signed after attending open call!

So, don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back from the online submissions. Instead, why not attend an open call and give it your all in person? You never know what opportunities may come your way!

When attending open call for the first time, it’s essential to be prepared. You should dress in a simple and elegant outfit that shows your body shape. Avoid heavy makeup. Their no need for anything other than a light coat of concealer and a tinted moisturizer.

If you feel like you need to apply a base heavier than that, it’s best that you work on healing your skin before attending open call.

When it comes to your modeling look, simplicity is key. You don’t want to distract agents from your natural beauty with flashy accessories or anything too bold.

So, leave the chunky jewelry at home and opt for some understated small stud earrings instead. Trust me, let your features speak for themselves and help you stand out in the best way possible!

One thing you definitely don’t want to forget when you’re meeting with agents is your modeling portfolio. It’s like your resume but with pictures! Include a mix of headshots and full-body shots, and limit it to no more than 6 professional images.

female model portfolio book on ipad for open call auditions

If you have a composite card, bring it too! If you’ve previously worked with reputable photographers or agencies, bring any material from those experiences with you as well. This can give agents a better idea of your experience and capabilities.

When I attended open call, my mother agent asked to see my portfolio. Honestly, I think part of the reason she wanted to see it was just because I was holding it in my hands lol

and she was curious! it worked out well because I was prepared. So, remember to bring your portfolio with you, it could make all the difference!

What To Expect At An Open Call...

When you arrive at the modeling agency, expect to wait in line. Depending on the agency, there may be a long line of models waiting for their turn. Be patient and use this time to observe the agents and models around you.

This can help you understand the agency’s vibe and what they’re looking for in a model.

Guys and Gals, keep your phone in your pocket or purse – you don’t want to come across as unprofessional or distracted.

And speaking of professionalism, remember that your appearance isn’t the only thing that matters. You also want to convey confidence and poise. So, sit up straight, keep your head held high, and pay attention to your surroundings. After all, you never know who might be watching!

When it’s your turn to meet with the agent, be confident and friendly. Introduce yourself and allow the conversation to flow. The agent may ask you a few questions about your experience, measurements, and availability. Answer every question with some detail or an example.

Related Video: What To Wear To A Modeling Open Call

For instance the scout may ask you, “Do you have any hobbies

You: Yes! I have many hobbies but my top 3 are cycling, running, and yoga. I love riding my bike on days where I don’t feel like running. I run long distance most of the week and I JUST signed up for a 10k race! I also like to do yoga on days where I don’t feel like exercising too much, but I know I could use some movement. I typically go in a group with my friends to make the experience more enjoyable!

See what I did there? Keep it short and simple! If you have one hobby than BRIEFLY talk about that! If you don’t have any hobbies, come up with something lol

Talk about your favorite shows, movies, arts and crafts, traveling, road trips, gardening, sewing, ANYTHING!

This is your moment to show a little personality and let the scout see how presentable you’ll be when meeting with casting director, designers, and anyone on set!

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Afterwards the model scout or mother agent may take some digital snapshots of you for reference!

After the meeting, thank the agent for their time, and don’t be shy to ask for feedback such as:

1.Do you think I would be a good fit for this market?

2. Would you suggest that I work on anything about myself to further my chances at modeling?

They will be GLAD to give you tips, TRUST ME! Scouts always ask at the end if you have any questions anyways! This will NOT hurt your chances of getting signed, but only better your chances because you’re showing interest in better yourself as a model!

If they’re interested in representing you, they’ll let you know – BELIEVE ME! If not, don’t take it personal. Take their feedback and use it to improve your portfolio and skills. Maybe your look is best for another market in a neighboring state!

Returning to the Same Modeling Agency

6-12 months later

If you attended open call and didn’t get signed by an agency the first time, don’t give up! It’s common for models to attend open call more than once, at the same agency before getting signed. In fact, some agencies encourage models to attend open call after 3-6 months to see their progress!

If you decide to attend open call to the same agency months later, be sure to bring an updated portfolio.

If you didn’t have a portfolio before, it’s best that you start developing one. Get snapping with some top-notch photographers that your dream agency works with; or work with a local photographer in your area, that works with reputable agencies and models.

To find an awesome photographer, check the agency’s social media and see who they tag – it’s a great way to get started!

By updating your experience, it shows the agents how you’ve improved in posing, how you’ve gained more experience, in the industry, and how serious you are about making modeling a career!

How Do You Deal With Modeling Rejection?

Don’t let discouragement hold you back! These 5 top models had their fair share of underdog experiences, but they overcame and succeeded anyway:

1. Winnie Harlow: Born in Toronto, Canada, Winnie Harlow attended an open call at a modeling agency at the age of 18. However, she didn’t get signed until a year later when she met a casting director who saw her photos on Instagram. Today, Harlow is known for her unique skin condition and has walked in shows for major brands like Victoria’s Secret, Tommy Hilfiger, and Marc Jacobs.

2. Adut Akech: Adut Akech attended an open call at a modeling agency in Australia when she was just 16 years old. Although the agency was impressed with her look, she didn’t get signed until a year later. Today, Akech is one of the most in-demand models in the industry and has worked with top designers such as Chanel, Valentino, and Givenchy.

3. Dilone: Born in the Dominican Republic, Dilone attended an open call at a modeling agency in New York City. Although she was initially rejected, she was later signed by the agency and went on to walk in shows for brands like Versace, Prada, and Dior. Today, Dilone is considered one of the top models in the industry and has graced the cover of numerous magazines.

4. Alanna Arrington: Alanna Arrington attended an open call at a modeling agency in her hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Although the agency was impressed with her look, they advised her to wait until she finished high school before pursuing a career in modeling. After graduating, Arrington moved to New York City and was signed by a top agency. Today, she has walked in shows for brands like Victoria’s Secret, Chanel, and Moschino.

5. Paloma Elsesser: Paloma Elsesser attended an open call at a modeling agency in New York City. Although she didn’t get signed at first, she continued to pursue modeling and eventually landed a contract with a top agency. Today, Elsesser is known for her body positivity activism and has worked with brands like Fenty Beauty, Nike, and Glossier.


Attending an open call can be pretty intense, but it’s also an amazing opportunity to show off your skills. Whether you’re a rookie or a pro, just remember that you got this! Keep pushing yourself, stay optimistic, and let your personality shine through. Believe in yourself and all that you’re capable of, and you’ll definitely make a memorable impression. So go get ’em, superstar! We’re rooting for you!


1. What kind of modeling are you interested in? Fashion, commercial, runway, etc.?

2. Are there any models or agencies that you look up to or admire, and why?


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